Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chao from Costa Rica!

It's been a while, I know. I have excuses but I won't give them!

Instead, let's look at what I would be wearing right now if I wasn't plopped on the equator, dreamily swinging my tan legs...

Kate Hudson's Paisley Mini: Sure she's in Florida or something, but pair it with some navy or brown tights and a crinkled camel-coloured leather boot, and I'm ready to listen to my sweaty friends yell about the revolution in someone's musty basement.

Urban Outfitters Flannel Tunic:I always get into the Armoir and steal poppy's long sleeves to wear with some thick tights in the chilly months, but what if I had my very own, tailored tunic?! Now all I'm missing is the faintest tinge of Old Spice...le sigh.

I've got more things to show you a la: High heeled Oxfords, Hemingway Sweaters, and a little houndstooth but the internet isn't interested in helping me out. Maybe it's a sign that I should be studying for finals. Ya think? Naw, I'll go have some more coffee.

Hope you're enjoying any ice storms coming your way! Cherish the mysteries of winter!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Boyz, Boyz, Boyz.

I've been trying to explain my love of fashion to Nathan for a while and at this point he is really starting to understand it. I'm going to go as far as saying he supports it (though he is the kind of man that would support me becoming a rodeo clown in drag if it tickled my trigger). So this has gotten me ta thinkin' about men's fashion lately. If I had my own little paper boy dollie, what would I do with him?

Here's a mix of fashionistors? that I enjoy and what I'll be suggesting the lover boy wears this fall:

Devendra Banhart (with Natalie Portman): The matching pea-coats may be a bit much but atleast he tried to accessorize a bit. Either way, its a good looking coat and the murse is awesome. Nathan has a similar coat, actually, but I'm not going to be pushing satchels just yet.

The Avett Brothers: Having seen them in concert a few times, I can safely say that sweat can totally be a fashion accessory. I love their shaggedness with the blazers and fitted pants. Nathan loves them too! They do the neo-indie southern gentleman thing really well.

Marc Jacobs: Yes, the man himself. His style is kitschy, playful, cheeky, but sophisticated. He knows the right cuts and he knows how to wear cartoon characters without looking like he lives in his mom's basement. I can't help but love everything he does, even if I know I'd never wear it. This one is a little far-fetched as far as Nathan is convinced but he definitely has a soft spot for nerds (AHEM.) and I think marcy marc will grow on him. Notice oversized glasses: YES!

Y Mas!: V-neck cashmere sweater, plaid scarves, ray-bans, thin plaid button up, leather backpack or...GASP! murse, cowboy boots (anything pointy really.. square toes are no-no), medium to long hair (warm and beautiful), journal, some sort of personally significant charm hanging well into chest hair.
Right now I'm working on getting him into tighter jeans (a la his gorgeous hiene). A girl can dream, can't she?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

With a vengeance.

Hello friends.

A few people have snuck in quandries here and there as to where my blog has gone. I wasn't really sure that anyone read it, and though my volition for writing in the first place was seated in some sort of ego based excitement in seeing my own thoughts so officially posted on the oh-so regal interweb, I've decided to ressurect 'er.

I know how enjoyable it is to read other people's seeminly candid but incredibly constructed and vulnerable thoughts. Like seeing someone's barefeet wiggle when you cut your eyes to the floor of the dressing room beside you. Not too revealing, but exciting all the same.

I just got back from China maybe two weeks ago. Which perhaps I'll talk about in formalities later, but odds are I will get distracted with other things and only reference my trip in passing.

Things I have gathered from my excursion: I do not particularly like large groups of people, I do not like rules, I do not like umbrellas, I am fond of cold beer, I like fat babies, I enjoy walking with no destination, and I particularly adore my boyfriend.

In other and much more blase news: I'm again working at the market which is quite job-ish at times but much better than most, I think. Even if I come home smelling like a tuna-gutter with a dollar fifty in tips.

Lastly, Nathan recently pointed out Devendra Banhart's obsession with children and I'm slightly upset with him for ruining my disheveldly pristine image. Okay so there's the whole "Chinese Children" thing; great he's a philanthropist (go adoption!). Oh but wait...what about the song on "Cripple Crow" where he says there are so many boys he wants to marry. And then...ohhhhh eewwwwwwwww...he quickly tells us that he gets his pleasure in the shower or...umm something. Okay so then "...I'm a child"? Well, what do we do with all of this?
Well he's dating Natalie Portman. I adore her and that totally points the compass away from pedophile alley.

I tried to refute Nathan's hypothesis with the whole "poets can have different points of view" kind of thing. He's just a clever dude with a silly sense of humor. And I'm sticking by that theory for my own love of the 'hart. But seriously, in almost every picture I've seen him in recently, his short-shorts definitely look like he could have stolen them from a boy-scout...

Ah well, it's none of my bees wax now, is it?

I've been having weird dreams lately so perhaps I'll analyze some of them for you in my next post. You'd like that wouldn't you?

Ciao sweets!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cobra sceptorrrrrr.

I feel like right now is on the verge of explosion.
Everything I have interacted with has been catalystic in one way or another.
Something is definitely about to happen.
I've come to this level of mental clarity,
like I understand where I need to be right now.
The issue now, is preparing.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nothing's Gonna Change My World

The new year has brought in much more change than expected. I tend not to buy into the whole "Wiping away the past; this year I'm working off my fat ass!" idea but with this new year (more than ever)I have done, and am continuing, some major life rennovations.

Most importantly, I've reached some really striking conclusions. I would go so far as to call them epiphanies! I won't call the other things resolutions although you might. "Resolution" is much too cold and, well ,resolute! Let's call them "Positive Tasks". Oh yeaaaahhh, that sounds good.

1) I have developed an accute sense of understanding a persons character quite quickly. After being around someone for a short period of time, I can generally tell whether they will be a positive influence on my life or non. However, now is the time to put this super power into action. Quite recently my feigned naivete has set me on my heine as I decided to give some people a chance that I knew were not exuding positive energy. This will be no longer. These recent events have also caused me to see beautiful light in alot of people and that is the only kind of energy I will allow in the future.

2) While I have never considered my mind or body completely unhealthy, I feel that I have neglected to treat my (collective) body as the temple that it truly is. This references to point number one, as only allowing positivity in my general vicinity will clean out a majority of the scum in my mental grout! Physically, I will regain the connection between the mind and body that I used to have so strongly. I will listen to my physical self, and only do/eat/drink/smoke/play with/ things that support my well being. If it is not a positive action for my phsyical or mental self, it will not be done. Positive actions include: Long conversations,being outside, physical exercise, mental exercise, earth foods, doing things for mother earth, practicing the art of love.

3)Now we arrive at one word: Superfluous.

I will no longer indulge in things that are such. There will be no superfluous purchases, intoxication, chatter etc. I will still indulge in these things but not to the extent that qualifies this word. I know quite well when this level is reached and my responsibility is to stop (whatever it may be) before it is reached. Included in this idea is definitely reducing my consumption and waste production!

The following points are those tasks we discussed!

Task 1) Get a compost heap started at Western. I have pals with connections and similar interests. I eat far too many bananas for this to remain un-done.

Task 2) Research and campaign for removal of styrofoam containers in Western food service. I can never carry out because I refuse the thousand year death foam! There are a couple really great companies that offer compostable food containers. One such company is Must find beneficiary with lots of moolah to spend on good will!
I've had a really good time pulling from my mind's file cabinets and putting these notions into words. I'm incredibly excited about the way things are looking even if it took some shocking and sometimes painful events to get me here. So it goes, eh?
I'm totally convinced this life is beautiful.