Sunday, December 30, 2007

Maxxximum Pleasure.

Here comes the time when we forget vintage buys for just a moment and direct a nod at my FAVOURITE retail heaven...T.J. Maxx!

During an unexpected splurge a couple days after Christmas I got my hands on these babies:

1) An adorable black patent leather kitten-heel from Coach. I know you won't believe me, but they're incrediby comfortable. I couldn't find exact pricing online, but I'm going to estimate they go retail for around $300-$500 as they are Italian leather. I'd say $375 is a safe estimate. Any way, I snagged them at T.J for 70 bucks

2) In the same day, I thought I lost my purse in the store (my mom and shopping companion had accidentally run off with it) and as I was frantically searching the store I still managed to grab these gorgeous things and keep freaking. That is when you know fashion is too important; it over-rides moments of crisis. I found them online for around $230 on most sites. Picked 'em up brand new for $22!

Ah the joys of expensive taste with little money to waste!

Ciao for now.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Avid Lister

Now that all that introductoryness is finito, let's get to the good stuff! Holiday wish-list! These are things that I will be thrifting for over the next winter months, in various degrees of accuracy...

1. Distressed leather boots to the tune of these babies from Free People. They will not, however, cost three hundred and something. I will post on how much I adore that company despite their deathly prices at a later date.

2. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer frame like these from I don't want the whole shabang. I actually just want a sturdy frame to have real lenses put in as I have had shoddy vision since I was a wee babe and I sometimes like to trade out the contacts.

3. A Garden Gnome for my dorm/future apartment. What better company? This guy from Tradition-Shop is pretty bangin.

4. Absolutely any sweet tiny flower-prints dresses. Especially those ala depression era. I love the collar and practical pockets. I love this fabric from Not Too Shabby's website. I think it is a Rachel Ashwell design. I love her too. I'll go on about that lady later as well.

5. A kaleidescope! This one from Gasoline Alley is exactly what I want. Note the tiny birdie detailing. Who needs psychedelics when you have one of these babies? Or perhaps they were meant to go hand in hand...

Well, folks, the list goes on but alas my toes have froze and the night is old.
My luscious antique quilts beckon! Lastly, I'll leave you with an image of this smokin' babe from free-people's website. I really want to bleach my hair to match hers. It's just gorgeous. I've already kind of got the Scandanavian/German thing going for me so I think (if done properly this time!) this look will work. Must first find moolah for such excursions.
Anyway, here she is. Au Revoir from a much less blonde though quite happy girl!


Evening world, I'm Hannah and I've created this blog to catalogue my immense love of fashion and all the things that incite that love. Perhaps I'll write about art, literature, music, nature, and fashion itself. In all honesty, I made this in order to have a sort of collection of my own musings to look over. I want to have a place where I can caterwaul about all the things I love and loathe and wish for. Like Leadbelly records, and distressed leather boots, and Jack Kerouac first editions, and kitschy wallpaper, and tiny blue sweaters, and rosebud dresses, and tea in my own yellow kitchen.

Ciao for now.