Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"I wouldn't want to be a part of any club that would have me for a member."

I'm dreaming more and more about New York, lately. Friends from NYU coming in to town to visit, watching Woody Allen movies like it's my job, finding more and more designers to die for from the big apple. I think alot of the allure is that I could be alone there without ever feeling alone. Oh and the kind of smug, aloofness that I attribute to the city especially. The West Coast is great but the snobbery just doesn't ring as hard. They're forgiving. They rollerblade for godsake. I've always had a penchant for holier-than-thou attitudes. Blame the mother.

I realize I sound incredibly ignorant when pinning those sole characteristics to NYC but, I'm no dummy, I realize there's more. The never ending art scene. The audacity of fashion. The scholarly attitude. The grit. The rock and roll. The cafes.

Now the kicker. The last time I was there I was 2 years old! Unless peeing on your way to Canada counts. Yeah. So what do I know, right?

Disclaimer: I love the West Coast; I'm leaving for it in a week and will probably spend several years there post college. Just proving a point, kiddies.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

At night

Sometimes, late at night, I want to call people so bad I can't stand it. But not the people that want me to call them, the ones that leave desperate messages saying "I guess you dropped your phone in the toliet again" or "I was just driving and thinking of you". I want to call the people that explicitly told me to never call again. The people that cried in my arms when I said "This is the last time I'll see you, you're a sinking ship!" or the people that said "Don't you ever come crawling back to this carpet again." I want to call those people and roll around in their shock, wrapping myself in the phone cord, on the basement floor.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Ahh the last day of school! I'm sitting in the office grumbling under my giant sea-foam scarf that I've cocooned in partially because I think my eyeballs might fall out and partially because I don't have the office to myself like most fridays.

The thing I love about being alone is not so much doing things that I can't do when others are around but knowing that I can. There's something so refreshing in picking up NO interferences from the outside world.

Last night I put on a really comfy but fashionable outfit and got some apricot green tea in preparation to post up in the magazine room on campus for a couple hours. It didn't cross my mind that there would be hords of people and their Macs click-clacking away, the night before the last day of finals. Le bummer. I felt intruded upon as I usually have the little world to myself.

Decided on an apartment finally. So now I have to start paying out the wazoo. Haven't formally made an offer to the landlord yet but will do so today. I'm really excited but it still seems so far away as I don't get to move in until the end of August.

I'm pretty sure the walls are tan but painting is allowed so I'm thinking I'll just do a really crisp white. I'm loving the idea of pops of color on a white canvas. Oh but my head is everywhere. Who KNOWS what will happen.


1. Romper from Anthropologie
2. Miss Fishy Journal Papaya!
3. David Alhadeff via Design*Sponge
4. Angela Liguori via Design*Sponge
5.Flowering tea I brought mine back from China but you can find it in the web

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Accoutrements is the best word ever.

I realized that last post was kind of creepy and not at all fashiony although Asbestos on some sort of greenish blue chunk of insulation is very post-modern art exhibit. Oh fun! And all of the patrons would have to wear masks! Tres chic. One more reason I belong in New York. In Kentucky they would call the National Guard and hit me on the calves with switches. I realize I shouldn't talk shit about KY because alot of people love it, including my friends, and heritage and roots and horses and what-not. *Any one objecting can take their Louisvlle Sluggar and shove it.

In two hours I will be touring my prospective abode. I'm dragging Claire along as she is the bestie with design capabilities dripping out her nose. She is also equally persnickity and understands my weird obession with living alone so she will be a perfect confidant in this endeavor. I'm not expecting the place to be delectable. I'm going to try really hard to go in there with the vision of it is a blank canvas and work from there. As long at there's good light and its not falling apart, I'm sold. The idea of living alone with an extra room for design studio/knick nacks/baskets of kittens is just about enough.

I just want a place with mis-matching china and coffee smells and wispy fabrics and image boards and big sketches that I buy off my stupidly talented friends. Oh and fresh vegetables with weird names. And a handsome boy in a panama hat. Oh...ummmm?

The above image from Lobster and Swan is pretty much what I expect my life to look like. Some how I stumbled upon her blog a while back and I check it every day like a the days I used to check face-book to check for pokes. Seriously. I've newly ventured into the blog world and I am already OBSESSED with the whole realm.

Rubber Walls

Everyone in my office is really sleepy today. "Maybe there's something in the air. Like..." "ASBESTOS!" I yelled. **silence, gentle snort**

You see there's something absurdly attractive about conspiracy theories to me. And working in a cubicle-esque fortress of file cabinets and badly veneered office structures only lends to the idea that Mr.Man is out to get you. Couple this with the fact that said office is that of a big southerny university with all kinds of glistening administrative red-tape and you've got yourself a class A nutcase.

I jump at every chance to point out the lingering asbestos planted and/or ignored in a malicious ploy to kill off capricious office rebels that sometime come to work smelling like armpits or wearing little boy's plaid shirts from GoodWill that seemed to cover the bellybutton at the time.

Maybe I choose Asbestos because they're so damned vintage.

Yes, that's it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Are you gassing me?

Linda, my work-mama and one of the loveliest women on the planet just leaned over me, kissed me on the noggin and whispered
"Where else would you work where they love you this much?" With a mouthful of delicious left over spinach, mushroom, and feta calzone from another beloved co-worker I globbled (faux verbs are the best verbs!) " I KNOoOow!"

I had always envisioned being a barista, the word just sounds glamorous. I figured I'd meet my choppy haired musician boyfriend while serving him a soy latte and we'd trapse around the world incredibly altering people's lives. But I work in the groundfloor of a library reading blogs, sometimes making copies, and creating cute little color schemes for bulletin boards. And they pay me to do it! After almost five months of working here, I can't imagine somewhere I'd rather be. And hey, I'm almost a librarian right? Here I am Jim James...

Apartment shopping is incredibly stressful and I haven't actually, physically, gone to look at any yet. Just ads online and what not. Hopefully today I can drag my buddy J.P. around town and seek out a delicious studio or bungalow that I can secure but not start living in/paying for until late August. Yeah...I know.

Looking for something sunny and spacious and gorgeous. Doubt thats what I'll find with all of my stipulations in towe...but I'm willing to compromise and do alot of sprucing up! Now to figure out how to cajole a certain ex-boyfriend into giving me the vintage dancing Shiva drinking glasses I bought us....hmmm...

Read about this new Prada addition at Nylon. I can't bring myself to really enjoy any of the classic Chanel fragrances. Believe me, I want to like them, but they always smell, well, stuffy! Maybe Prada will be a little different and I no longer have to threaten my haute sensibilities.

Also, I am officially hopelessly in love with Raphael Haroche. I stumbled upon him on someone else's blog (don't remember who) and I can't stop watching the "Caravane" video. I don't even need to know what he's saying, this music just makes me feel so feminine and mystic and flowery and voyeuristic and mmmmmmmm!


Friday, May 8, 2009

This morning I woke up cheerfully as I dreamt that I fell in love during a tornado.

Then I made my morning coffee and as I was leaning over the sink to put on my make-up, what did I notice?

A tiny heart-shaped island of coffee grounds, floating in my mug! They disbanded before I could get a photo but still...

What a splendid omen of things to come!

And alas, all the meterology kids in the Environmental building were nearly pissing themselves with excitement over a tornado. Sadly, the thing is disbanding into two big storms and my fellow Geography nerds won't get to watch any cows fly across the Kentucky hills.
Going to Hanover for a music festival.
Hookah, Bob Dylan lecture....Love interest?
We shall see!
Speaking of love...

Rapheal Haroche: Musician, poet, french, bohemian, boyish, strung-out, BEAUTIFUL.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Buffalo Sauce Tastes Good on Everything

Made a bold move and decided to brave the rain in a white skirt sans umbrella. Realized, later, that the umbrella was in my bag, where it always is. Ei! Anyhow, its a great excuse for me to run around the office barefoot as my shoes are completely soaked!

Oh how I love Fridays at work: No one is here, there are chocolate and bluberry doughnuts, and I can blog surf all day long. I might even get some homework done and feel really good about myself!

Rebecca Wood, of R.Wood studios, featured on Design Sponge has created the home that I would like to spend this blustery weekend in.

Add this book collection from Xenia Taler's home and these books/mag:

A couple of these films:

And some tomato basil soup (The wonders of which were delicately featured in a past edition of Dallas Times. Ahhh journalistic freedom never ceases to impress:

Some comfy sweat pants ought to do the trick! I won't even begin to delve into all the bad things I've eaten the last two days but I might direct you to the title of today's blog...