Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chao from Costa Rica!

It's been a while, I know. I have excuses but I won't give them!

Instead, let's look at what I would be wearing right now if I wasn't plopped on the equator, dreamily swinging my tan legs...

Kate Hudson's Paisley Mini: Sure she's in Florida or something, but pair it with some navy or brown tights and a crinkled camel-coloured leather boot, and I'm ready to listen to my sweaty friends yell about the revolution in someone's musty basement.

Urban Outfitters Flannel Tunic:I always get into the Armoir and steal poppy's long sleeves to wear with some thick tights in the chilly months, but what if I had my very own, tailored tunic?! Now all I'm missing is the faintest tinge of Old Spice...le sigh.

I've got more things to show you a la: High heeled Oxfords, Hemingway Sweaters, and a little houndstooth but the internet isn't interested in helping me out. Maybe it's a sign that I should be studying for finals. Ya think? Naw, I'll go have some more coffee.

Hope you're enjoying any ice storms coming your way! Cherish the mysteries of winter!